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DDoS: Artillery being prepared and tested!

Artillery being prepared and tested for DDoS attacks!
DDoS attack being prepared.

In recent days, an intense and aggressive hacker movement has been identified and is being monitored, testing a powerful "artillery" for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which has demonstrated great "firepower".

There are tens of thousands of addresses generating denial of service traffic through the DNS amplification technique, one of the most effective for overloading structures.

These IPs are distributed among hundreds of companies spread across dozens of countries around the world, which indicates a large-scale coordinated effort.

The observed attack tests last about 5 minutes, during which thousands of IPs generate aggressive traffic against the target structure, ending completely shortly after this period. These peaks have been repeated about 3 to 4 times per day in each structure, with different intensities, which suggests a great capacity of the attackers to execute, adjust and restart the test cycle (PDCA).

In an attempt to camouflage their actions and bypass security systems, several domains are being used in these tests, but the most aggressive one seen so far was a big brazilian domain.

This behavior suggests that a large distributed denial of service attack may be being carefully planned, with great potential to cause interruptions in online services.

NetSensor is monitoring and has already begun the process of mapping the sources exploited by hackers to generate this traffic.

As part of our efforts to protect our customers, we are already providing proactive protection measures, aiming to mitigate the impacts on firewalls, servers and applications.

We reiterate our commitment to the security of our customers and we are available to provide more information and additional technical support, if necessary. NetSensor remains vigilant, working to anticipate and mitigate the cyber threats that are looming on the horizon.

We are together on the front lines against cyber threats, working tirelessly to ensure the security of our customers and partners. Read too:

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